How to Boost Your Immune System

How to Boost Your Immune System

Winter is here and there's no better time than the present to boost your immune system ahead of the dreaded flu season.

When you feel good on the inside, you feel good on the outside and that comes naturally with an active and healthy lifestyle but with so many fad diets and fitness plans around, it can be heard to know where to start. Don’t fret, here are some easy ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Boost your Immune System by Staying Active

Exercise regularly. You can start by doing evening walks arounds your local area or using city bikes instead of public transport. If you like more structure, you can use fitness apps or sign up to the gym and commit to a couple of days a week.

Vitamins to Boost Immune System 

Make sure to include plenty of fruit and vegetables into your daily diet along with foods that boost your immune system. When you have any meals during the day, ensure that vegetables are on every dish you have. If you enjoy snacking, enjoy Vitamin E rich nuts and seeds, and rotate Vitamin C rich fruits like strawberries and kiwis to combat cold symptoms. Add chicken and salmon to meals for Vitamin B6 packed foods that help to support your immune system.

Always make sure that you incorporate as much fruit and vegetables as possible into your diet and also exercise on a consistent basis to prepare your immune system against the winter season. Read our guide to getting your 5-day and you’ll be well on your way. 

Boost your Immune System by Getting Enough Sleep 

Yawn after yawn is what you do if you get an inadequate amount of sleep or generally feel fatigued. This can lead to a negative dent on your health, but you can apply some useful tips to ensure better sleep quality for the winter season.

  • Set a time frame for going to bed. Whilst this does not necessarily mean a specific time like 10:30 pm, aim for between 10:30 pm to 11:30 pm so you feel less pressured to go to bed at a particular time. Also, it helps to ease you into ‘getting ready to bed’ time so you are more relaxed and prepared to sleep.
  • Limit screen time. While you may enjoy a quiet chuckle from a tweet or a viral video that you feel you need to see, screens can do a lot of damage to our health and can make it harder to sleep. So put the phone down for at least 20 minutes before bed and indulge in something that doesn't require a screen.
  • Maintain a regular sleep pattern. Make sure that you do sleep for at least 7 hours of good quality sleep per night and be consistent in doing this on a daily basis. The better sleep you have, the better your health will be.

Trying these tips can ensure that you can improve your sleep quality and your health, just in time for the winter season. Check out our sleep tips for a restful night’s sleep. 

Boost your Immune System by Managing Stress 

Stress is a real problem for many of us and it can be hard to manage it when you have a busy life. But with winter coming and the probability of the flu, you can be sure that stress is the last thing you want to be affecting your health at a time like this. Managing it can feel like a stress in itself but you have options that can make life more stress- free.

Practicing stress-relievers. Reading a book, listening to music or even meditating are great ways to relieve some stress with very little effort and provide a great sense of relaxation.

Relieving stress is key to improving your immune health efficiently, especially against a possible flu season during the winter.

Boost your Immune System by Staying Hydrated

Dehydration can lead to poor immune health which is not something to be taken lightly. Here are some easy ways to keep your hydration levels up:

  • Consume at least 2 litres of water a day. As a general guide, this is usually recommended and can be done in a multitude of ways: normal water, flavoured water (bought or homemade), warm water etc. Choose what you prefer and get to hydrating.
  • Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables. Surprisingly, water is not only the way you can stay hydrated; there are various foods that contain a staggering amount of water in them such as strawberries, spinach, mushrooms, melons etc. You can easily add this to your diet without any stress

Hydrating your body regularly is essential to boosting the immune system and can be done through consumption through drinking or eating.


Boosting your immune system can put you in the best stead to stay healthy through colder climates. With these tips, you can help to build and support a strong immune system. 

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