The Benefits Of Self Care and Breathwork

The Benefits Of Self Care and Breathwork


Self care is one of those things we all know we should do, but do we all do it?

What exactly is defined as self-care and why is it important? 

Self-care is any activity that nurtures and refuels you and that can look different to everyone. We have so many parts of us that need TLC; our body, our mind, our relationships, and our work/life balance. Different areas may need more attention than others at different times. It’s important we give ourselves permission to practice self-care – in the long run it will make all aspects of our life run more efficiently and we will feel happier for it.

Often many of us feel that we don’t have the time to devote to it or that self-care involves meditation or something similar that isn’t really our kind of thing. But self-care doesn’t need to be anything complicated, nor does it have to be time consuming.  We chatted to Sam Hadadi, a female health coach and recipe creator who says it can be as simple as taking 5 minutes each day to drink an uninterrupted coffee - it doesn’t have to be anything complicated. Sam believes that taking time for yourself is something you should do every day and that self-care is a necessity, not a luxury.  

Often the people who feel they are the busiest are the ones who would benefit the most. If you are one of these people who feels guilt at taking time for yourself then reframe your reasons for doing it.  Sam Hadadi explains that knowing the outcome will improve your overall state of well-being and helps to validate the process. Think of it like this; “I might be taking this moment for myself but I’m going to be a better mum for it (or partner or friend). I may be more energised or focussed at work in the long run by taking time for myself”

Here are some great examples of self-care that can nourish your body and mind.

- Go for a walk in nature - either alone if you need time to focus, or with a friend if you are craving social connection.

- Buy yourself some fresh flowers.

- Watch a tv programme that makes you belly laugh.

- Get in bed earlier.  Wind down before sleep by reading a few pages from a book that inspires or motivates you.

- Spend time around animals, stroke a pet or someone else’s if you don’t have one.

- Journal in a notebook. Spend 5 minutes goal setting or writing down 3 things you are grateful for.

- Spend time with your family, visit relatives you haven’t seen for a while.

- Plan for an upcoming trip or day out, give yourself something to look forward to.

- Cook a favourite meal.

- Try a new type of exercise, yoga, boxing, or something you’ve never considered.  Alternatively put your favourite song on and dance like no one’s watching!

The most important thing is to stay consistent, schedule the time in and start small if it feels overwhelming. A great resource is the self-care wheel created by Olga Phoenix. It’s a template you can download that breaks down self-care into the various aspects: physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional, to help nourish and focus on each area of your life.

 Self-Care Wheel

For our full chat with Sam Hadadi see the IGTV on the Love Hemp Instagram page, where Sam discusses in more depth about self-care, the benefits of breathwork and takes us through an easy-to-follow quick meditation.


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