CBD Infused Orange Chocolate Mousse

Recipe: CBD Infused Orange Chocolate Mousse

By Love Hemp Brand Ambassador and Food Blogger, Pescatarianldn:

If you have been paying attention lately you will have noticed that people are going absolutely bonkers for orange chocolate! It’s back on trend and seemingly stronger than it has ever been with the release of plenty of orange chocolate variations on trusty family favourites - Twirls, Buttons, Dominoes Cookies, Costa Hot Chocolate, Wagon Wheels to name a few!

With Christmas fast approaching and oranges being a traditional festive fruit, why not get into the spirit early and give it a go! This one’s a perfect pud for all the lazy chefs out there, you can prep it in advance and is a great option when cooking for a dinner party or with family (when we are allowed to meet indoors again). The contrasting bold flavours are what make orange chocolate undeniably classic - the fruity orange pairs perfectly with the rich chocolate. This flavour combination in a fluffy mouse is a must try!

Now, if you have read one of my recipe blogs before you will know that there is nothing I love more than an easy recipe. Whipped up in about 15 minutes and then all you need to do is wait! If you are looking to hop on the orange chocolate bandwagon this Christmas, give it a go!

Top Tips:

  • Don’t allow the chocolate to get too hot, as the CBD may evaporate, and the chocolate will become bitty.
  • What if I want to lower the amount of CBD per portion? Two options:
    1. (Recommended option) Remove the desired volume of CBD oil you and replace with the same volume of olive oil. For example, if you removed 1ml of CBD oil, you would add an additional 1ml of olive oil. The volume to concentration ratios are stated on the back of the packaging.
    2. Remove some of the CBD chocolate balls and replace them with the same weight of dark cooking chocolate.

Ingredients (6 Servings 35mg of CBD in Total, Per Portion)

  • Love Hemp® CBD Dark Chocolate Balls, 150g (25mg per portion)
  • 3ml Valencia Orange Love Hemp® CBD Liquid Oral Oil Drops 600mg CBD (10mg per portion)
  • 70ml olive oil

1 tsp Orange Extract

  • 4 large eggs, whites, and yolks separated
  • 60g sugar
  • Sea Salt

Optional Serving Suggestion: Orange Zest and whipped cream


  1. Separate the yolks from the whites using half of a shell and set aside.
  2. Add the chocolate balls to heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over a pan of a barely simmering water (a bain-marie) (don’t allow the water to touch the bowl) and patiently wait for the balls to melt. Once melted remove from the heat and allow to cool until lukewarm.
  3. Once cooled a little combine the chocolate, egg yolks, orange extract, CBD oil and olive oil together to form a paste.
  4. Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks. Then in several stages, slowly whisk the sugar in.
  5. Very gently fold a quarter of the egg whites into the chocolate paste. Then fold the remaining egg whites in a delicate motion ensuring no air is knocked out of the mouse.
  6. Gently pour into a ramekin or wine glass. Set in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours, overnight if possible.
  7. Remove from the fridge, sprinkle with sea salt, (opt.) orange zest and (opt.) whipped cream. Enjoy!


For more great CBD infused recipes, visit Pescatarianldn over on her Instagram page!