4 Ways to Support You and Your Loved Ones During Lockdown 2.0

4 Ways to Support You and Your Loved Ones During Lockdown 2.0

Prioritising your physical and mental health has never felt more important. Putting your wellbeing first is essential for a happy and healthy lifestyle, but the words ‘self-care’ and what this actually means, can get a little confusing at times.

Practicing self-care is a way of giving back to our minds and bodies and helps to release those everyday stresses and worries. Despite its name, self-care does not have to be practised alone. While it is always beneficial to take some time out just for you, it’s also important to support and care for those around you, especially during current circumstances. To help you, we’ve pulled together some self-care tips to support both you and your loved ones during the pandemic.

Create a routine

In order to take care of others, you have to start taking care of yourself – you can’t pour from an empty cup! Remember to make time for those everyday moments of joy in life, by creating a simple, daily routine you can follow. Starting the day off at a similar time every morning with your favourite hot beverage is just one small example of self-care.

Stay connected

Just one conversation with a friend can do wonders for your mental health and wellbeing. Thankfully, modern technology has given us a variety of ways to keep in touch with friends and family, from instant messages, video calling to online gaming. Be sure to set some time aside to check in with someone you care about, it will not only help you, but your loved one too.

If you fancy something different, you could even go old-school and keep in touch via letters! Unlike text messages, you can treasure the handwritten letters for years to come and could even create a scrapbook or collage from them. That way, when they resurface, you’ll have memories on paper of the time the world had to stay apart, but you stayed together. 

Buddy up

To date, government guidelines only allow social bubbles for one-person households. If this doesn’t apply to you but you are looking for that support, try buddying up with a close friend virtually. Create an open and safe space for you to be honest with your feelings and if either of you are feeling overwhelmed, you’ll always have support on hand.

Treat yourself

Whilst it might be a little early to talk about Christmas gifting, it’s never too early to give the gift of self-care. You could treat yourself, or your loved ones, to a little luxury bought online and delivered directly to your door. Why not try a Love Hemp CBD Cellulose Fibre Face Mask? The perfect self-care treat for a cosy night in this winter!

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